ocr: Encyclopedia of Soccer Ar rolling demo of the comprenensive Soccer CD-ROM from Pearson New Entertainment. 5 ENSLAND 80000: pea ire 0 Non Wembleymayt ber the ageng: grande: dame o st303 bur, steepedt n hastoryandw wth e distinctivet intowers, remains thet Mecca o Engish n andis a 49989 39953 93 revered DYI playersand fanst througeutthe 99 PBE worid. Wembleys ynoreus wih Engand nterrationals, thel FAC cup Fratand the epic wona Cup Finaloft9a Unusualy for: a maxe WEMBLEY stadum, wembleyis pnvarey ownedand anowpiece. Amenan the 192031 the: green Trancedt ay AS1 sagng: TO00: gares,and neds orWemble ...